Sunday, August 15, 2010

It was in April 1893, Gandhi arrived in South Africa...

It was in April 1893, Gandhi arrived in South Africal.Ele was just a young and inexperienced lawyer seeking fortuna.Em 1915, he resolved to return to India in order to help your povo.Ele only promised to his political guru, Gokhale, he would spend the first year in India studying the country, with their ears open, but my mouth shut.
When he finished his pilgrimage of the year, Gandhi settled on the bank of Sabarmati river on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, where he founded an ashram in May 1915.
Group members established by Gandhi were around 25 men and women who took vows of truth, such as celibacy, non-stealing, non-possession and control of the palate, and devoted himself to serving the people.
Hardly had done his work in Champaran where Gandhi was suddenly called to his ashram in Sabarmati by an urgent call from textile workers of Ahmedabad, whose dispute with the mill owners was taking a turn sério.Tendo in his head that the work of agrarian textiles was sure he Matev of conscience clean, and from then proposed that a strike was made, but obviously a peaceful strike.

Soon after this problem, another problem came agrario

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