Sunday, August 15, 2010

Three years later, Gandhi returned to India for only six months, to bring your family...

Three years later, Gandhi returned to India for only six months, to bring your family.
           He visited many cities in India and worked hard for the interests of newspaper editors and eminent public men in the pitiful state of Indians in South Africa and even published small pamphlets on the subject.
          Gandhi offered his services and visited all the localities, including the neighborhoods of The Untouchables, to inspect the latrines and teach the people better methods of sanitation.
        He made several speeches and appearances, always trying not only to warn about the status of Africans, but also try to help.
       Gandhi returned to Africa. 
Upon arriving, he was beaten, but refused to report the offenders.
It was during this second period in South Africa that Gandhi's way of life has changed, albeit gradually.
        In 1899 the Boer war broke out. Though Gandhi's sympathies were all with the Boers who were fighting for their independence, he advised the Indian community to support the British cause, on the ground that since they claimed their rights as British subject it was their duty to defend the Empire when it was threatened. He therefore organized and, with the help of Dr. Booth, trained an Indian Ambulance Corps of 1,100 volunteers and offered its services to the Government. The corps under Gandhi's leadership rendered valuable service and was mentioned in dispatches. What pleased Gandhi most was the fact that Indians of all creeds and castes lived and faced danger together. All his life nothing gave him greater happiness than the sight of men working as brothers and rising above the prejudices of creed, caste or race.
           After the war ended, Gandhi returned to India, promising to return if the community needed help again.
          He reached India in time to attend the Calcutta session of the Indian National Congress and had the satisfaction of seeing his resolution on South Africa pass with acclamation. He was however disappointed with the congress. He felt that Indian politicians talked too much but do little.

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